Blastoise Master of the .com Variety

The real and definitely one and only Blastoise Master expands their horizons of doing nothing remarkable by being a website on the inter(bev)webs.

Through the combination of a solid template to work off of, a slight and sudden shift in my thinking, and the powers that be, this site shall no longer be merely a silly bit. I have big plans that may or may not come to fruition depending on my drive to make it happen. After all, why have a domain with no expansion? (reference(?)) Especially since I've had it for over a year.

"When will these plans come to fruition," you might ask. The answer to that question is simple. Uh... I dunno. Look, web design isn't something I know anything about, and saying things about myself really isn't my strong suit, but I'll give it a shot. If things go awry, then I'll revert the site back to it's original state, but hopefully it doesn't come to that. But enough rambling, its time for the website portion of this website.

The website portion of this website currently does not exist. Honestly did you really expect it to? I explained I don't know web design and that plans may not come to fruition, I'd be surprised if there was something meaningful here immediately. But hey, this is a placeholder anyway. I'll figure something out.